Now write more sentences. This time write about your own feelings andopinions. Example: / have difficultyin doing sums. I’m very interested in—— s

Now write more sentences. This time write about your own feelings and

Example: / have difficulty
in doing sums.

1.I’m very interested in—— (skiing, collecting stamps, taking photos). 2. I’m thinking of—— (going to France, learning Italian, visiting you next week). 3. Thank you for—— (bringing me a book, inviting

me to the party, borrowing me your bicycle). 4. I’m looking forward to ——(having summer holidays, meeting my

friend). 5. I’m keen

on—— (taking care of animals, reading books, watching video). 6. I hate——
(going to the dentist, being ill, waiting for a bus). 

  • 1 …in listening to music, relaxing2… doing homework, visiting a library3 …waiting me, helping with work4 … finishing school, employing english5 … drawing posters, writing poems

    6 … studying, waiting for a school, doing routine

  • 1)i’m very interested in skiing,collecting stamps,taking photos.2)i’m thinking of going to France,visiting you next week.3)Thank you for inviting me to the party.4)i’m looking forward to having summer holidays.

    5)i’m keep on taking care of animals,reading books,watching video.