Напишите пожалуйста сочинение на английском языке, на тему: самое лучшее изобритение.
- life of every person. It brings people of the world closer
- Inventions Over the years scientists have invented agreat number of things, which we nowuse in everyday life, for example,computers, printing machines,telephones, radio, television,automobiles, photography, electricity,steam engine, planes etc. One of the mostuseful and handy devices today is thecomputer. It is a comparatively newinvention, which came into use in the20th century. However, the form ofcomputer was designed already in themid- 1830s by the British mathematicianCharles Babbage. Today, people simplycan’t imagine their lives withoutcomputers. There is a whole generationwhich has grown up with calculators,computer games, word processor,Internet and else. Another vital device isthe TV. This invention has truly changedthe leisure habits of millions of peopleworldwide. Television was pioneered inthe 1920s by Scottish electrical engineerJohn Logie Baird. He was the first torealize that light could be converted intoelectrical impulses, which are thentransmitted over a distance. Electricity,perhaps, is even more important. Wewouldn’t be able to use computers andTVs without it. The invention ofelectricity dates back to the 19th centuryand is connected with such renownednames as Michael Faraday, AlessandroVolta, Humphry Davy and Andre MarieAmpere. For the invention of telephoneswe should be grateful to AlexanderGraham Bell. He is an Edinburgh-bornscientist who patented the invention oftelephone in 1876. A year later a greatAmerican scientist Thomas Edison
produced the first working telephone.
world. People are so fond of computers and the Internet, that просто коешто еще добавить или убрать
Most of them like virtual life even more than the real one. opportunity to know and other people of other nations and source of communication and it plays an important role in the and even to learn new things from that communicated with. even love. They don’t need your appearance, they love you as To my mind, life without the Internet would be dull, but should life a real life. friends in the Internet world. You can tell him/her all
The Internet today is an important phenomena. Communicating through the Internet gives the around the world. It has spawned entirely new industries knowledge by providing access online libraries. Internet is the People meet one another in the Internet, fall in love and secrets you have and they will not gossip or laugh at you. find out their culture, to make comparisons between regions sometimes they forget to go for a walk or to eat something. transformed existing ones and become a global cultural Internet resources help people get latest news improve together. The Internet makes the world smaller because through the Internet we can communicate with people from all over the center of attention for businesses, governments and individual
you are, your thoughts and manners. You can find virtual true