ДАЮ 80 БАЛЛОВ! составить 10 предложений в present continuous и 10 предложений в present simple используя слова hate love like need want see have

ДАЮ 80 БАЛЛОВ!!!составить 10 предложений в present continuous и 10 предложений в present simple используя слова hate love like need want see have

  • 1. Look! They are playing chess now.2. At the moment we are living in London.3. I am working for this company now.4. She is not teaching at this school now.5. What are you looking for?6. I am looking for my key.7. Our students are working hard now.8. We are correcting your mistakes now.9. They are not travellinh now.

    10. Where are they travelling now?

    1. I hate this job.2. He believes you.3. They don’t understand you.4. I remember you.5. Do you love your friends?6. Some leople don’t like their friends.7. What do think about it.8. I hate doing this work9. I dislike some people.

    10. What do you need now?